Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rustler + Update

New Toy!! I have been wanting a really fast gas powered RC car since I was a little kid. Now, I got one.. well kinda. Its not gas powered. The guys at the hobby shop kinda talked me out of it. There are new Electric cars now that are faster and cheaper as far as the up front cost. Also less complicated to run, though reading through the instruction book this thing is pretty complicated too. The thing about these electric ones is that its all about the battery. For now the battery I have will only make my car go about 40mph. The $150.00 battery will take it to 70+ mph. I saw what fast looks like while at the hobby shop. He didnt even go top speed with the expensive battery and it was flippin fast! So I decided I'd better start with the smaller battery for now. It was much cheaper too, (over $100 cheaper) so I got 2. One to charge and one to run. Soon I will be going out for my first run and I'll have to post an update after that. Well, my battery just beeped at me so I'm ready to go play. I'll be back later to update....

Man this is a ton of fun! I ran it up and down the street and only flipped it once on the grass. Damage done so far: Zero! I did hit a mailbox but thats what this thing is made for.. going fast and built to be abused.. to an extent. Today (after disc golf with my friends) I'll be taking it out to the dirt roads in the neighborhood to race it out there and do some donuts. I'll have both of my batteries charged and ready to go. One of the neighbors has one too so maybe I"ll see if hes home and wants to go with me. Anyway, I'm off to go golfin'.



schrist said...

Cool looking car, a little jealous. I had a Buggy named the "FROG" back when I was thirteen. It only went up to 25MPH. Looks like technology has really taken over on this. Maybe I'll get a plane or helipcopter and then we can play cops and robbers. I'm not sure I qualify for the cop, I just want the flashing lights. Anyways really cool, let me know when you are jumping it off your roof.

schrist said...

I found it, the "FROG"

Check it out...