Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Age and Wisdom...

So we've all heard you get wiser as you get older. With age comes great wisdom. Or so I've heard. I've also heard I'm wise beyond my years. Well, I don't know about all that. Maybe a "wise guy". I wonder who said this to begin with. Its certainly not true. In fact I'm thinking maybe its more the opposite. You get dumber as you get older. This may not be true for everyone, but I'm noticing more and more old farts out there that are or that are acting just plain stupid. I mean come on people it just common sense, isn't it? Riddle me this. If you are driving an 1872 Buick "boat" and 90 years old. And you need to cross traffic on a not so busy road. Where the speed limit is 30 mph. To head the opposite way of traffic... Why would you cut in front of someone that you know is very likely to hit you. Hmm, maybe I have already solved my own riddle. Age 90 + 1872 Buick boat = I wish I was dead. Please hit me! Lucky for us both I was paying attention and nobody was behind me when I slammed on the brakes. She was able to make the turn and live another day. That certainly doesn't say much for the old and wise thing. I'm sure what ever she was in a hurry for could have waited a few more seconds when it would have been safe to enter traffic.

Well, now that my blogging is done for the next.. oh I don't know... month. I'm going to get some sleep. Maybe I'll be a little wiser tomorrow. Ha! I wouldn't count on it!

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