Friday, July 18, 2008


Today I met with a couple friends to watch the new Batman movie. At first I wasn't at all interested in seeing this one in the theater. Then it began growing on me with all the advertisements and stuff. Kinda surprising really. I don't normally give in to adds. Anyway, We went to see this movie and I have to say I liked it a whole lot more than I thought I would. I still think Michael Keaton made the best Batman. I liked it. It wasn't the "remake" I thought it was going to be. That is my review. Take it or leave it.

Of course going to the movies is not complete without a few things to go with it. So I had some popcorn a hot dog and a drink, with no ice. I don't get ice at the theater because at $5 for a soda or what ever the outrageous price is. I want the soda not the ice. (side story on this later)

So I told you that so I could share the biggest part of the story. One of our biggest pet peeves. If you said cell phones.. You are Correct! Yep! Oh by the way. I didn't get to sit with my friends because the theater was pretty full. I ended up sitting on the end of the row next to some kids. They were fine. However, a row in front of me and to the left some idiot had to text through the whole thing. I thought very seriously about throwing a piece of popcorn or 2 or 10.. but I didn't. I then realized why I should have gotten Ice with my soda. It would have been much better to throw at them. If I would have been sitting with my friends popcorn likely would have been thrown but not by me. I'm too nice. I tend to just think about doing it until I get blood boiling pissed.

The side story for anyone interested. When I got my soda without ice my friend informed me that there are some people that don't have ice. Also that I am weird. Only in a joking manner and it was taken as such. I am also always slow on the draw for a good or even decent come back. So now I have to say it here. What I should have said. "And there are some who have too much Ice."

Well, that's it. Again I thought the movie was good and I do recommend seeing it if you haven't already.


Wolf Lover Girl said...

Just to let you know... I dislike ice as well! I agree with you, if the soda is already cold when they put it in the cup why am I paying for that ice to take up space and eventually just melt and make my soda watery?

Oh! and a nicely wadded paper napkin flies pretty well at those who text. I know from experience! ;-)

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Wolf Lover Girl said...
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